Thinking outside the box: DIY CONSTRUCTION CONES!

Keeping little people busy is quite a challenge at the moment, and needs some improvisation. Here is a fun and easy task to get them involved, making their own construction cones.

All you need is an empty egg tray, paint, a brush and a cutting tool.

Let them paint the pointed side. A fantastic fine motor skills exercise, maneuvering the paint brush at all angles around the shapes. The egg container works quite well to contain the paint, with little mess.

our painted result

Once the paint has dried, you can start making cones.

Carefully cut through the middle. I used a blade, but you can use a scissors if you don’t have one.

Then cut in between the points to create separate cones.

To look like this!

Add it to your construction sensory set, or whatever toys you have at hand. ENJOY!

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