One of the most fascinating processes must be peas. Luckily it is also one of the easier ones to grow!

We often underestimate the value of peas.
- The high fibre content can do wonders for your digestion.
- Peas are rich in vitamin C to build immunity.
- A good source of iron, to combat anaemia.
- Plus, they’re a good source of vegetable protein!
Join us on our journey…

Flowers are the sign that peas are on the way!

The flower starts changing shape on the inside.

The flower makes way for a tiny pea pod.

Tiny peas start becoming visible, safely hidden inside the pod. The closed pod is a bit of a mystery, but kids love finding ways to see what’s going on inside, without opening it! Have them check on the pods during the day, using sunlight to illuminate the pod.

If you need more mystery, you can even check up at night! Kids love flash lights. They will be delighted to experience this, not mentioning being up after bedtime in the dark.

Pea plants are climbers. Climbers are plants that require support because they have weak stems. Peas grow best on a trellis by sending out side shoots, called tendrils, that vine out from the main stem. Those tendrils will wrap around anything they touch. So cute. Like little hands holding on to you.

As soon as the pods are big and chubby, they are ready for picking.

Perfect peas emerge from the pod. How amazing!

Sweet, chubby pea pods on the vine are SO delicious.

So where do you start?
Before you steam fresh peas for dinner, keep a few aside.

Here are a few ways to try.
- Using a glass jar is a great way for kids to monitor the growing process.
Add some soil, about 10 cm – enough for roots to grow (touching the texture of soil is great for the tactile sense).
Then throw in a few peas, moving them to the outsides of the bottle, using a skewer stick or something similar (good for fine motor skills).
Once you are happy with the position, let them water the soil, to allow everything to settle and also to remove unwanted soil from the bottle sides. A spray bottle with a trigger nozzle is great for practising hand muscles.
Add a last bit of soil to just cover the peas.
And now the difficult part – patience! Kids can monitor the peas’ progress forming roots towards the bottom and a plant towards the top. As soon as they can see any progress, they are amazed!

A sense of responsibility is nurtured as they need to make sure it is watered regularly.
- You can also use paper towel or cotton wool in the bottle.

- Or just flat in a container with paper towel.
Spreading the peas out evenly is great for finger muscles and motor planning, ensuring there is enough space in between for growth.

When peas have formed a root and stem, it’s ready to transplant in the garden.
Make them aware that the little plant is very fragile and needs to be handled with care. They can use a finger to make a hole in the soil, deep enough for the root (depth perception).
Place the pea inside the hole and compact the soil around it gently with flat hands (practicing bilateral coordination – working with both sides of the body simultaneously).
Water gently with a fine sprayer.

And so the process begins…

Until you can enjoy peas fresh off the vine, or steam for dinner!
We hope you have loads of fun! We would love to see your pea pics.